Our pets are one of life’s greatest blessings. But, there’s no doubt about it; wanting a clean home while also having furry friends is…difficult, to say the least. It seems like whenever you finish vacuuming, another tuft of fur shows up out of nowhere. Not to worry though, we’ve outlined some of the top ways to reduce your cleaning load so you can get back to playing with your beloved pet(s) in no time.
We’ve talked about it before and we’ll talk about it again: white vinegar is a Godsend when it comes to odours and stains. To get rid of odours on carpets, couches or frequently soiled areas, make a spray bottle mixture of equal parts warm water and white vinegar. Feel free to add 5-10 drops of your favourite essential oil to the mixture for some extra freshness (we recommend lavender or peppermint).
Tip: Invest in a handheld vacuum and lint rollers. Handheld vacuums are great for picking up those pesky tufts of fur. They’re small and easier to set up than your regular vacuum. Check out this link to pick the best vacuum for you: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=handheld+vacuum&crid=NENJ1M4ZXK6D&sprefix=handheld+%2Caps%2C262&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-do-p_1_9
All pet owners know that lint rollers are a necessity in their homes. If this is the first time you’re hearing about them, you have to get on board! We recommend putting a lint roller by the front door so you can de-lint yourself before leaving the house.
Cat owners know that the litter box is one of the smelliest places in the house. However, most people only clean their cat’s litter boxes every couple days when, in reality, they should be cleaned at least once (if not twice) per day. Also, it is wise to deep clean the litter box every week or so. This entails fully emptying the box and letting it soak in hot, soapy water with a touch of bleach. Allow the box to dry and fill with fresh litter. Not only will your home smell better, a clean litter box is a must for a healthy cat.
Tip: Either buy or make a litter mat to prevent litter grains from ending up all over your home. For DIY, check this out: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/501307002250432315/
Instead of cleaning dry mud marks off your floors, practice some preventative maintenance and wipe your dog’s dirty paws before they enter the house. Have a bowl of warm, soapy water and towel ready when your dog goes outside on particularly mucky days. Try training your dog to sit and wait for their paws to be washed before they come inside.
Tip: Regular grooming is one of the best ways to prevent fur build up. Take your pet in for grooming appointments and/or ask your groomer for tool recommendations based on your pet’s breed and coat type.